Diving in Sipadan Diving in Sipadan
Top 10 Diving Sites
Barracuda Point, Sipadan
Turtle Cave, Sipadan
South Point, Sipadan
White-Tip Avenue, Sipadan
Hanging Gardens, Sipadan
Lobster Wall, Mabul
Seaventures, Mabul
Paradise II, Mabul
The Jetty, Kapalai
Mandarin Alley, Kapalai

Diving at Sipadan

Divers: Please book your Sipadan Permit in Advance!

Sea turtleUntouched by the negative aspects of modernization like industrial pollution, Sipadan is a beautiful tapestry spread out across 30 acres. It rises steep from the sea bottom to a height of 2000’. It is an oceanic island formed of coral growth and its land mass is covered with a dense tropical rainforest.

Sipadan dive sites are good for both pelagic lovers and macro divers. While there are large fishes in abundance, there are an equal number of smaller creatures like nudibranchs and hairy-squat lobsters in the muck around the walls.

Some of the superb underwater sights in Sipadan:

  • Large schools of barracudas swirling into tornados
  • Mating and nesting green turtles and hawksbill turtles
  • Vortex forming big-eye trevallies
  • Eagle rays, manta rays, reef sharks, and sometimes whale sharks and hammerhead sharks

You can visit Sipadan anytime according to your convenience because its dive sites are functional throughout the year.

However, February to July are the best months for scuba diving. You are recommended to stay for a minimum of 4 days to be able to explore the dive sites of Sipadan and neighboring islands. A one week stay will let you dive at most of the best spots to your fullest satisfaction.

Reserve your Sipadan Permits in Advance!